Researching and recording the lives of astounding women
In addition to our grassroots advocacy for improving our history lessons, we write a weekly blog that spotlights one astounding woman from U.S. history and we travel to small towns and communities to collect oral histories along with other historical documents.
Raising awareness about gender disparity in U.S. history studies
A lot of research has been done on the topic of gender disparity and textbook writing in the U.S. For more information you can visit our FAQ page.
Creating a database that incorporates the stories of influential American women for use by students and educators
We plan to make it easy for teachers to access all of the information that the need to teach an accurate and complete history to their students without creating an additional burden to their already difficult jobs. See our project plan for more information.
Inspiring and empowering women and girls today to reach for their dreams
Instead of conforming to a history where women are neglected, marginalized, or excluded, we aspire to produce a history that can empower girls, give them role models, and show them that they can aspire for greatness in any field of their choosing.